
Relatório de Impacto Ambiental - RIMA

Plano de Ação de Emergência

Acesse o PAE - Plano de Ação de Emergência da usina.

Environmental Programs

The ENERPEIXE, fulfilling its commitment to generate energy in a socially responsible manner, implements various environmental actions throughout and subsequent to the installation of the project.

Thus, for the implementation of the project, EIA and RIMA feasibility studies were carried out, ones which included engineering and environmental impact analyses, respectively. This study has given rise to a Basic Environmental Project- BEP. This Project represents 12% of the total value of the project.

This project is a technical roadmap, an action plan, whose purpose is to conduct and manage activities of environmental regeneration and/or mitigation effects and environment enhancement. The Basic Environmental Project (BEP) is a requirement for Environmental Licensing.

The BEP is composed of 30 Environmental Programs, the so-called EP(s), divided between Physical, Biotic and Socioeconomic Resources. The more diverse and specific, the higher the efficiency and accuracy in reducing environmental effects.


  1. Monitoring of Local Weather
  2. Monitoring of Water Levels
  3. Sedimentological Monitoring
  4. Seismological Monitoring
  5. Monitoring of Marginal Slope
  6. Hydrogeological Monitoring
  7. Restoration of Degraded Areas
  8. Flora Research & Management
  9. Deforestation & Reservoir Cleaning
  10. Fauna Surveying, Monitoring & Management
  11. Limnological Monitoring
  12. Icthyofauna Monitoring & Conservation
  13. Conservation Unit
  14. Reservoir Protection Range
  15. Land Acquisition
  16. Restoration of Road Infrastructure
  17. Adequacy of Social Infrastructure
  18. Urban Relocation
  19. Rural Relocation
  20. Monitoring of Quality of Life of the Population
  21. Restoration of Tourism and Leisure Areas
  22. Public Health
  23. Recovery of Archaeological Heritage
  24. Environmental Education
  25. Social Communication
  26. Mineral Sector
  27. Construction Support Installation
  28. Social Services Restoration
  29. Register of Historic Heritage
  30. Monitoring of the Quality of Urban Life and Mitigation of the Impacts to be Generated by the Deterioration of the Local Economy in the Municipalities of Peixe and São Valério da Natividade